(Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)

December 2000

An OBE  was awarded to Professor Toro in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List in June 2000. Professor Toro received the award for services to the Crown. The investiture ceremony in which the Queen formally conferred on him the OBE took place in Buckingham Palace, London, on 12th December 2000.

Reception in Honour of Professor Eleuterio Toro and Professor Marcial Echenique

June 2001

The Chilean Ambassador to the United Kingdom Mr. Christian Barros offered a reception in honour of Professor Eleuterio Toro and Professor Marcial Echenique at the ambassador’s residence in London in June 2001. The event was attended by special guests that included academics, diplomats, artists and close friends.

Honorary Citizen of Carahue, Chile

December 2001

Professor Toro receives the key of the city.

Professor Eleuterio Toro was awarded the distinction of Honorary Citizen of Carahue (Chile) in December 2001. Part of the Council’s decree states:

“Reconozcase hijo ilustre de la comuna de Carahue a don Eleuterio Toro Muñoz por sus aportes en el area cientifica a nivel mundial y llevar en alto el nombre de Carahue en el extranjero. Anotese, comuniquese y archivese”

Life Fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK

January 2003

Professor Toro was conferred the distinction of Life Fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK, based on his academic achievements and research connection to the University of Cambridge. January 2003.

Fellow of the Society for Shock Wave Research

July 2005

The council of the Society for Shock Wave Research takes great pleasure in conferring on Prof. E. F. Toro OBE, the fellowship of the SocietyThis honour is bestowed on him in recognition of the lifetime contribution to Numerical Analysis.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

April 2008

Professor Eleuterio Toro was awarded the distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad de Santiago de Chile on 2nd April 2008. From the news:

Matematico Eleuterio Toro investido como nuevo Doctor Honoris Causa. El profesor Eleuterio Toro Muñoz es el nuevo Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad, tras ser investido por el Rector Dr. Juan Manuel Zolezzi Cid y el decano de la Facultad de Ciencia, Dr. Samuel Navarro Hernandez, en una ceremonia efectuada en el Salon de Honor. Sus meritos academicos y docentes fueron determinantes para entregarle la maxima distincion, junto con la Medalla Universidad de Santiago de Chile en su categoria dorada.

“Tiene grandes meritos, que se pueden resumir en dos grandes temas: su aporte a la ciencia en general, especificamente a la Matematica, y su aporte humano, de cercania y humildad con la cual comparte su conocimiento, senalo el decano de la Facultad de Ciencia, Samuel Navarro.”

Numerical methods for hyperbolic equations: theory and applications. An international conference to honour Professor Eleuterio Toro

Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 2011

“It was a dream birthday party, in a dream place with a dream company of 130 wonderful human beings and scientists from twenty countries. I am so much indebted to so many people who made this extraordinary event possible, from the local organizing committee, the international scientific committee to each individual who contributed to the full, one-week top-class scientific programme. We worked hard and we played hard. The full range of social and cultural activities held in this historical city Santiago de Compostela were a most wonderful experience, not to mention that Cena de Gala in the Hostal de los Reyes Catolicos and our made-to-measure tour along the Camino de Santiago”.

“My very special thanks go to  Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, to the main organizer of the event Professor M. Elena Vazquez Cendon and  to the honorary chairman of the conference, Professor Peter Lax”.

Eleuterio Toro, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 2011

Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco

March 2012

Professor Eleuterio Toro was awarded the distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa  by the Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, on 9th March 2012.

From the news:

“Su brillante trayectoria a nivel mundial y el fuerte apego con La Araucania son parte de las razones que considero la Universidad de La Frontera para otorgar la distincion Doctor Honoris Causa al reconocido cientifico chileno e investigador en matematicas aplicadas, Eleuterio Toro Muñoz. La distincion a este matematico oriundo de Capitan Pastene sera entregada en la Ceremonia XXXI Aniversario e Inauguracion del Ano Academico de la Institucion, que se realizara en el Teatro Municipal, el viernes 9 de marzo, a las 11:00 horas”.

En la ocasion, el destacado experto dicto la Clase Magistral: Educacion chilena: A lo que se cobre o con el cobre?